16 High Page Ranked DoFollow Blog ~ KTM-Blogger

I found this post useful so I thought it will help you guys to gain more traffic and make money online. See the link and share your Idea. The link provides you 16 high page ranked dofollow blogs which you should try linking with to gain more traffic and also shows clear definition if what is a Dofollow blog.  Share this link in the web and share the knowledge with as many people as you can.

16 High Page Ranked DoFollow Blog ~ KTM-Blogger.

7 tips to increase traffic

This is the continuity post of the previous post in which I had told that I will write the other tips besides the primary ones to drive more traffic in blog and as promised, I’m writing down the top 7 tips that are gonna help you to drive the increase amount of traffic in your blog from the initial phase.


  • Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a process of writing for other bloggers  and believe me that you’ll get a rush of visitors in your blog is you follow this process. Writing on the top blogs/websites of your niche with lots of readers and visitors, you can actually build a friendly connection between the blog author and their readers. If your guest post gets featured on their blog, you’re gonna get a lot of visitors returning to your blog. So, try out guest posting by searching the top sites of your niche and see the results.


  • Blog Commenting

I still remember that day when I posted a comment on Problogger.net . Well, it was my first comment on a big blog like that and it also got accepted. Now after long time of commenting, I can see that I get about 10-15 visitors everyday from problogger in one of my blogs. Imagine that you’ve commented on about 20-30 comments in some big blogs and they’re sending you at least 20 visitors. By this, you’ll get about 400-600 visitors on your blog alone. So, learn to comment on other big blogs and see the awesome results that you’re gonna get.


  • Linking with other Blogs

For simple understanding, this means guest posting and commenting. You can’t get to link with other blogs unless the blog authors do that by themselves or you post on their blog. There are many benefits of linking with other blogs as they’ll help you to get good ranks and will also drive traffic to your blog( guest posting, commenting). So try out link exchange and see the results that you get by doing this. Its so easy to do so.


  • Social Sharing

This thing is gonna make you crazy if you get to know how can you actually do this crazy stuff. For your kind information, its very easy to do so and the result is huge. All you have to do is share what you’ve written on your blog on social media like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg, Pinterest and many other social sites one by one. If you do that for all of your posts and also ask others to do the same, you’ll see a huge number of people gathering around your blog in a short time.


  • Interacting with readers

You can understand this stuff from the heading. It clearly means to say that you should interact with your readers. It means that you should respond to your readers as quickly as possible. For example if your readers found out some confusion in your post and posted their comment relating to the confusion and you did tried your best to solve their problems, then they’ll trust upon you and share more of their suggestions, feedbacks and even will try their best to promote your blog as they’re getting their queries solved. So, due to these factors, you can say that a good interaction with the readers will certainly help your blog to gain much traffic and your blog will get more famous.


  • Setting Up RSS

Now, this is the thing that you should do as soon as you create a blog. If you have a blog and its RSS then, you’ll give a way for your readers to subscribe to your blog for all the posts, comments that gets published on your blog. This is surely gonna help you out to generate huge traffic as your readers will get the email in their inbox saying that you’ve published a post on your blog and they’re gonna check it out. By this, you can be sure that none of your subscribers are gonna miss the posts of your blog and this’ll drive more traffic to your blog.


  • Building relation with other bloggers

Now, here comes the final tip that’s gonna help you out to drive much traffic on your blog. If you’ve a nice relation with the bloggers of your niche ( no matter big bloggers or small bloggers), you’re surely gonna get something from that and that is traffic. If you’ve got hundreds of bloggers as friend, you can email them shortly about your blog and whenever a new post is published and they’ll cretainly view that. You can also request them to subscribe to your blog and there are maximum chances that they’ll listen to you as you all are friends. They’ll even feature you in their blogs if you request them to do so and from this, you’re gonna get huge amount of traffic in your blog which will surely lead you to success.

These were discussion on the seven tips that I’d published on the previous posts and had promised to brief them. If you feel some points are missing or have any good things to say about this post, please mention them in the comment. If you loved this post, please show your love by sharing this post on facebook and twitter by clicking the share button.

I’ve opened up a suggestion box to know your suggestions on how can I improve this blog and you can reach to the box by clicking here. Enter your valued suggestions and I’ll do ad you say to improve this blog if that suits out.

Primary writing tips for getting Traffic

Now that you’ve got a cool blog, you know what is blogging and have got some reason to blog, its time for show off.  By show off, I don’t mean any notorious things but to get visitors on your Blog and let me tell you one thing that its not that hard to do so.

Many bloggers in this blogosphere have given up blogging because they didn’t get what they expected. To be honest, its all their fault. They’re the ones who had ruined up their life because they didn’t focused on these following primary methods to drive traffic.

  • Writing Quality Contents

This thing is what determine how long way your blog is gonna make. Making a blog and just writing won’t help. You have to write the contents that are too much good that your readers will give a thumb up on it. If you don’t believe me, you can see the blogs of all the successful bloggers and the articles on their blog. You won’t find any thing like a thrash there. Every article written in the successful blogs are of high quality and that’s the main reason for their success.

  • Write for the readers

There is no one who wants to be his own reader. Every blogger in the world wants the world to read his article instead of himself. For this, one blogger shouldn’t write what he knows instead he should try to focus on what his readers want him to write for them because the readers are the one who are gonna make you successful. I have seen many bloggers failing even when they write large amount of contents because they couldn’t get what their readers wanted. So, don’t write for yourself, write for your reader and believe me, this thing is gonna help you out a lot.

  • Write more

The more you write, the better you’ll get the results, that for sure. Blogging is not like doing maths or science in which you have to write the exactly correct answer to get full marks, instead its like social where you can gain much points by writing more answers and linking all of them. This means that the more contents you write on your blog, the more doorways there will be that people will get inside your blog. This doesn’t mean that you should only write more articles,but also focus on writing quality contents.

Now, these were the writing tips that are gonna help you get a better amount of traffic( i won’t prefer mentioning “huge”) on your blog. Follow them till the end and you’re gonna be a successful blogger one day. Now, I’m gonna list down some other tips that are gonna help you get increased amount of traffic on your blog at the initial phase.

  • Guest Blogging
  • Blog Commenting
  • Linking with other blogs
  • Social Sharing
  • Interacting with the Readers
  • Setting up RSS
  • Getting in contact with other bloggers of your niche

The post will be too much longer if I briefed them out here and I don’t prefer writing a very lengthy post. In the next post, I’ll be briefing out on how these above mentioned tips can help you out to gain an increased amount of visitors o your Blog. Till, then check my older posts and the About Me page to see how I got to blogging.

Related Article: Why Should you Blog?

Blogging and 3 reasons why should you Blog?

Now that you’ve known what is a blog (click here if you haven’t), its the time to know what particularly is Blogging. Those people who have already started a blog are well known about this thing but, for those who are completely new, it might be a thing of wonder. So, this post goes for those newbies, who don’t know a bit about it  and it goes as simple as

Blogging is a process of writing articles in your blog.

Well, this is one of the simplest definition of Blogging. You won’t get any thing simpler then that, I bet. See, its so simple. The way you write on your blog, whatever you write on your blog can be termed as Blogging. Its for sure that if you have a blog, you’re already blogging because you’ll have at least one post in your blog.

Now, let me tell you three major points why should you blog

    • For Exposure

I don’t think there is anybody in this world who doesn’t wants to become famous. That’s one of the top goal of anyone. You want to become famous, no matter what you do. If you wanna become successful in this internet and gain a lots of followers, Blogging can surely help you. Hundreds of thousands of people have already become successful because of their Blog. So, this thing can surely help you out if you want to become successful, all you have to do is hard for in the initial phase and you’ll be resting later.

  • Better English

Some people might wonder how can Blogging help to make your English better. The answer is simple, The more you practice, the Better you’ll get. Its for sure that you’ll write your blog in English if you want exposure. The more the contents you write on your blog, the better your English level will become. IF you’ve already started Blogging and have the aim of not giving it up, trust me; you’ll have an awesome English one day. That’s for sure.

    • Making Moneymakemoney

Now, this thing is what everyone wants ” Money”. Without money, you can’t do anything. So money is the thing that’s gonna help you out all the time and let me tell you a fact that you can make lots of money via.Blogging, if you’re determined ( now this thing comes). If you’re determined on not leaving Blogging until you get the success, you’ll be able to make Hundreds and even Thousands of $$$ from your blog. So, be ready to blog for money.


Below is a nice video which can brief you about Blog, Blogging and many other related stuffs. I recommend you to watch this video.

Now, its up to you what is your aim, success,being better or making money or all of them. Stay focused on your aim and don’t give up blogging so early because nobody knows what’s coming up next for you. So, give continuity to blogging if you’ve stopped temporarily and be a successful blogger and show to the world that you can do it!

What is a Blog?


If you’re a newbie and have just become familiar in blogging, You might be confused on this shitty thing. What is a Blog?. 

Well, the definition is so simple but for the simple understanding, I’m putting down definition of Blogs from other  Blogs  and Educational sites who are famous and here they go:

In the technical point of view,

 A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser. –Source

In the view of a Problogger,

a blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent ‘post’ (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom.-Source

According to me,

A blog is like a dairy which you make on a particular subject and write on it about the subject that you’ve choose daily or often.

If you want a simple understanding of Blog, I recommend yo to watch this video of Lee Le Fever. This video is so simple to understand and gives a clear definiton.

For the time being, these are only the definitions of blog. In  the next post, I’ll be briefing out about blogging, what is blogging and why should you blog.  Till then, you can read about me, how I started blogging and how long it took me by clicking the About Me page or click here. Till then, Good Bye and Sayonara.

HotBlogging Tips

Hello everyone, I’m Kanchan Sharma, a young blogger from Kathmandu, Nepal. I’ve been in the blogging field since the last 3 years and I’ve gained a lot of experience and knowledge in this field. So, I’m writing HotBloggingTips to share all the ideas, tricks and methods that can be used in Blogging so that one can blog awesome and become a successful blogger. That’s the main reason for the creation of HotBloggingTips. I want to see all of the bloggers in this world becoming a successful blogger and I started this blog to help  some of them at least.

This is my first post in a WordPress blog and I’ve written something about myself. I’m getting super excited to try this so called WordPress. Lets see what it has got for me. See everyone in the blogging field from the next post which I’m going to publish soon. Till then,

Good Bye  and Sayonara